How to connect Coinbase Wallet to Coinbase Exchange?
Trading becomes easy when connect your Coinbase Wallet and Coinbase exchange. Users of Coinbase can also do so with the help of Coinbase exchange account login details and wallet password. But before that you need to make sure that you have completed the wallet set up and exchange sign up process. Here in this read, we will let you know how to covert a Coinbase Wallet to Coinbase. You can use a mobile app or a PC to complete this process. Now, make sure that your device has proper internet connection and then approach the next section to link your wallet to Coinbase exchange. Method to connect a Coinbase Wallet to Coinbase via mobile app In case you are using a mobile to complete this process, you need to approach the quick steps that are given below: Open Coinbase App on your device and sign in to it After that, you need to head to the ‘Settings’ of your account Find the ‘Link a wallet’ button to visit the next page Now, you need to enter the Coinbase Wallet seed phrase details In ca...