How to add MetaMask Extension on a Mac and Windows?
MetaMask extensions have been developed to run on all types of OS PCs. Whether you are using a Windows computer or Mac, you can easily set up MetaMask on your device with the help of the browser of your device. To set up MetaMask on your device, a browser is a primary need. So, make sure you have installed a trusted web browser on your computer and it is of the latest version and then you can move forward with the way to add MetaMask extension to the Mac or Windows PCs. Also, ensure that you have the MetaMask password or seed phrase details as you will need to provide these details to access the wallet. Way to add MetaMask Extension to the Mac If you are a Mac user and looking to set up MetaMask extension on your device then you need to follow the steps that are given below: Go to the page using a browser on your Mac Here, give the information that is asked and click on the ‘Download’ button Wait for a few minutes, the MetaMask extension file we added to the browser ...